7 facts about me;
2. Hanafi means "kelurusanku"
3. Tall and skinny
4. Love music
5. Shoe size: 9
6. Shy
7. Not single, but available for any other kind of relationships
7 things that scares me;
2. Being told to do wrong
3. To be caught for doing wrong things
4. Snake
5. Height
6. Failure
7. Myself - on what sometimes i'm becoming
7 songs for now;
1. The All-American Reject : Dirty little secret2. Nidji : Laskar Pelangi
3. Mika : Grace Kelly
4. Michael Buble : Everything
5. Avril Lavigne : I will Be
6. The Killers : A Dustland Fairytale
7. Blink 182 : Im lost without you
7 things i usually say;
1. Assalamualaikum
2. lapa...
3. .......(turnaround, give an empty look, and turn to resume my work)
4. fu*k
5. b*bi
6. sebentar ya (passing the phone to Abg Azrul)
7. Alhamdulillah
7 most precious thing;
1. My beloved family
2. My future wife
3. A Watch (in my storage, not wearing any now)
4. Phone
5. PC
6. Memories
7. JGN 6389
ppl i tag;
(apsal semua pompuan nih?)
wajib buat ke?
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