5 weeks!!??

Man, cant believe that i havent write in 5 weeks,
Comparing to my previous post, prior to my long absent,
i would say my writing frequency was high,
talking bout prolific writer huh?

Anyway, ushering 2009, many things have changed,
and Alhamdulillah, they are in positive manner.

The blessings are showering over me and to my beloved friend too!

Well, I should start with me I guess;
* Im now a graduate, no more classes..yeay
* Working as an outsourced contract worker for a prestigious medicine facility (cool heh?..how bout a contract RA for IMR sound?)
* I will have my own salary..well, i shudnt be discussing bout that for now, at least until the end of the month

Matchek @ Nizam
* The long awaited postman has arrived!! He received his Master admission letter...kudos to him, another convocation in two years time

Wina, Thiera, Ina and Irin
* Yup, they themselves have been employed. Congratulations

* The biggest success of all..IMO, Dr Rizman has taken him under his wings, to be his Ra, all the best, i know you have what it takes to strive under his expextations. Good luck bro

* A bit complicated, because i myself do not have the full details, but all i can say he have been entrusted with a confidential family business plan that will commence in near future.

Other colleagues
and all the others (malas nak taip dah)
I believe that they themselves have things cooking,i hope to hear from them soon in the future.

Well, new year and new challenges...lets brace ourselves for the storms!!!

*forgot to mention this:

-kerry thanks for the novel, appreciate it a lot
-wina, jgn lupe ribs aku


Anonymous said...


gudluck kt ko jugak!!

cukup bulan blanje aku makan, haha! ;p

napieHK said...

cet..cepat je

winawin said...

perghhh.. ribs tuhh...
downgrade ahh sket..
aku ngah kumpul duit nak kawen nehh..
eh silap.. nak kumpul duit utk pusing2 dunia nehh..ehehe ;p

jeles2.. ko xwatkan 1 paragraph utk aku dlm post ko..kene kongsi ngan org laen.. sp, downgrade lagik..hahaha =D

a thirah i m said...

ocw fo most prestigous medical facility!
that makes two of us..
cotract ra fo imr huh?